The Gold-Standard Guarantee

KJ Tromp

ALIVE - Ephesians 1 - 3The Gold-Standard Guarantee


KJ Tromp

Are you the person who buys the "extended warranty" on a new toy? Peace-of-mind is the offer, pay-now is the cost. But how good would it be if you someone else paid the cost while you retained the peace? In this week's passage, Paul wraps up his "list of blessings" (v.3 to 14) by thanking God for the blessing of receiving the Holy Spirit as a "seal" and a "guarantee" of what we've received from God the Father. Join us as we discover how we receive the Holy Spirit and experience his powerful work within us.

Dig Deeper Questions

Read: Ephesians 1:11-14 - The Gold-Standard Guarantee

1.    Verse 11 speaks about receiving “an inheritance” in Christ. What is this inheritance and how does it influence our identity as believers?

2.    What does it mean to be “predestined” according to the “counsel of God’s will” (v.11)? How should this make us think about our salvation?

3.    How does verse 13 describe the conditions involved in receiving the Holy Spirit? Do you think it’s possible to “lose” the Holy Spirit?

4.    What comfort does it give us to be “sealed” by the Holy Spirit (v.13)?

5.    Read Romans 8:9-11. How do these verses help explain the “guarantee” of verse 14?

6.    When will we “acquire possession” of our inheritance (v.14) and what do we do while we wait?

7.    What have these verses shown us about God’s character and how do they help us glorify him? Close in prayer.

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