Blessed to Call Him Father

KJ Tromp

ALIVE - Ephesians 1 - 3Blessed to Call Him Father


KJ Tromp

What is a Christian's greatest blessing? Rescue from eternal death? A new heart that desires to do good? As we start our new series on Ephesians, Paul begins his letter by listing some of the greatest "spiritual blessings" that Christians have, and at the top of the list is our adoption into God's family.      

Read Ephesians 1:1-6
Dig Deeper Questions

1. What is the significance of Paul’s introduction in verses 1-2, and how does it establish his authority and purpose in writing to the Ephesians?

2. According to verse 3, what is the origin of “every spiritual blessing?” How does this impact how we pray?

3. Verse 4 mentions being chosen by God “before the foundation of the world”. What does this choice reveal about God’s nature?

4. How does the final outcome of being “holy and blameless” before God (verse 4) impact your understanding of Christian living and personal conduct in the here and now?

5. Reflect on/discuss the concept of being “predestined” for “adoption” as described in verse 5. How does this affect your understanding of your relationship with God and with other believers?

6. What is the response from God’s people for God’s election, sanctification and adoption according to verse 6? How does this perspective shape our worship as a church?

Close in prayer.                                              

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